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Welcome to the new site

As people get older, sometimes they decide to “have some work done.” It was that time for the Wahoo! Results documentation site.

The old site was (mostly) usable, but it lacked a certain amount of polish. It was built using Sphinx with the Read The Docs theme. It is a great documentation system, but the theme is a bit dated, and writing the documentation in reStructuredText is a bit tedious. I was also interested in making it look better on mobile devices.

As a result, I decided to switch the documentation over to the well-designed Material for MkDocs documentation system. This allows the documentation to be written in Markdown (via MkDocs), and where special formatting is needed, html and css can be used directly.

In the process, I also switched over to a custom domain, so is the new home for the documentation! The old will redirect for now, but remember to update your bookmarks.